Protecting Atlantic Lowland Forests in Costa Rica

Protecting Atlantic Lowland Forests in Costa Rica

Great green macaw. Photo credit: Fundación Work with Nature
Grantee Fundación Work with Nature
Target Great green macaw, mantled howler monkey, Agami heron, puma
Location Costa Rica
Grant Amount 8,440

Preventing Extinction Fund – Protected Area Rapid Response Award

Fundación Work with Nature is purchasing a 2.7-hectare plot of pristine Caribbean Lowland rainforest adjacent to their existing 225-hectare reserve. Securing this parcel helps protect forests from threats of illegal logging and encroaching agriculture and improves habitat integrity in this important tropical forest ecosystem. The area is extremely rich in biodiversity – 38 different species of mammals, 270 species of birds, 132 butterfly species, 63 species of reptiles, 34 species of amphibians, 36 species of fish, and 11 species of dragonflies have been identified on the reserve. These include a variety of endemic species as well as IUCN Red List species, including green macaw, puma, and mantled howler monkey. This grant was made under the Preventing Extinction Fund, a joint initiative of QRFN and Rainforest Trust.