Our Approach

QRFN is a rapid response mechanism that matches scientific expertise, funds, and urgent needs with a speed unparalleled in the funding community. Our goal is to ensure that any significant land deal – one that protects one of the last homes rare and endangered species – has access to the necessary funds. While the funds that go to any one project are sometimes not enough to complete a transaction, we seek to provide a funding amount that can secure the property, show commitment and investment so that the conservation buyer can make a down payment, and hold the property while remaining funds are raised. Our overarching objectives are to protect the world’s most important sites for biodiversity by conserving sites that:

  • Protect populations of globally Endangered and Critically Endangered species;
  • Require urgent action; and
  • Protect globally significant sites, typically unprotected sites identified as a priority for conservation under the Global Safety Net.

To achieve these objectives, we strive to:

  • Provide a rapid response, delivering a decision and funding on a timeline commensurate with the project need, or in as little as one week;
  • Engage our volunteer expert advisory panel, over 60 leading biodiversity experts, to provide timely review and scrutiny of solicited proposals;
  • Support local organizations with a demonstrated capacity to deliver;
  • Put 100% of contributions into the land deals; we don’t fund overhead, management, or restoration costs.
  • Leverage donor funds by engaging our Advisory Board to help with fundraising.