Protect threatened Andean cloud forest adjoining the Tapichalaca Reserve, Ecuador

Protect threatened Andean cloud forest adjoining the Tapichalaca Reserve, Ecuador

Grantee Fundación Jocotoco
Target Mountain tapir, Jocotoco antpitta, black-and-chestnut eagle, golden-plumed parakeet, white-necked parakeet, spectacled bear,Bomarea longipes, Fuchsia scherffiana, Passiflora linda, Passiflora zamorana, Piper achupallasense, Piper valladolidense
Area Protected

95 hectares

Location Ecuador
Grant Amount $25,000

Fundación Jocotoco has acquired a critical property in the middle of the Tapichalaca Reserve in south-eastern Ecuador, which protects the upper Andean cloud forests in the biodiversity hotspot of the Andean Amazon. This biodiversity hotspot is threatened by a 10% annual deforestation rate and home to at least twenty globally endangered or critically endangered plant species. The Tapichalaca Reserve further provides important connectivity between two large national parks.