Fundación Sumac Muyu purchased 44 hectares of tropical rainforest in the Volcan Sumaco region of Ecuador to expand the Rio Bigal Biological Reserve. This region has one of the highest densities of bird species on earth and is adjacent to the 200,000-hectare Sumaco-Napo Galeras National Park, which is recognized as an Important Bird Area, Alliance for Zero Extinction site, and a Key Biodiversity Area. The 44-hectare property is in the Suno River area and adjacent to a 175-ha plot that Fundación Sumac Muyu purchased in 2022. The northern section of this tract borders the National Park, and in combination with recently purchased existing parcel, would provide a 220-ha buffer zone, protecting critical habitat for pink-throated brilliant, spider monkey, spectacled bear, and other threatened species.
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