Biological Station for the Rufous-fronted Parakeet

Biological Station for the Rufous-fronted Parakeet

David A. Bejarano “Truman”
Grantee Corporación para la Conservación, Investigación y Desarrollo de los Ecosistemas, GEOBIOTA.
Target Rufous-fronted parakeet, Andean vulture, buffy helmetcrest
Area Protected

150 hectares

Location Colombia
Grant Amount 10,000

The rufous-fronted parakeet is an endemic and threatened species from Central cordillera in Colombia. With support from Preventing Extinction Fund, Coporación GEOBIOTA will purchase 150 ha of forest habitat nearby the Los Nevados National Park to protect the rufous-fronted parakeet and other highland species of biological importance and create a biological station for research.